My toes lightly touch the warm water, testing the temperature, the feeling. I’m unsure at first – will this actually be better, will it help, will I still be able to cope? The water feels good so the rest of my foot drives forward and I climb into the pool. There is lots of room. I bring my body lower into the warm soothing water; it is heaven. I lay there, fully immersed in the water, and take a moment to feel this sudden break in concentration and allow myself to fully relax and unfold into the warmth radiating from every part of me. This is wonderful. This is the comfort I needed. I feel light and airy. My body can move with my sensations. I feel powerful and full of strength. I have a renewed sense of determination. This was the break, the relief, the comfort I needed to push through into the next phase. I am ready to birth my baby…
a mother’s description of water birth
Water birth is simply defined as birthing a child in water. It is a safe, effective, and popular way of giving birth around the world. According to Waterbirth International, research has proven that birthing in water speeds up birth, reduces blood pressure, allows for easy position changes, provides pain relief, increases relaxation, provides a private and protected space, conserves energy, and offers a gentle transition for the baby into the world.

Babies do not take a breath in the water while being born, and many factors work together to keep the baby from inhaling water. When the baby is being born the placenta releases high levels of prostaglandins that disable the baby’s muscles for breathing. Due to low oxygen levels, which is experienced by all babies while being born, the first reflex baby has is to swallow, not breathe. This allows any fluid in the mouth to be sent to the stomach. A fetus’ lungs are already filled with fluid. Finally, baby exhibit the “mammalian diving reflex”: when water comes into contact with the face the glottis closes and water cannot enter the lungs. A birth pool is set up in your home or birth centre.
Water birth has also been found to reduce the need for drugs and interventions, decrease perineal tears, and reduce cesarean rates. Research shows that most women that birth with water will do so again for their next birth. Water birth is a great tool for childbirth. It offers many advantages that make coping with birth much easier. The warm water relaxes muscles. Oxytocin is flowing and keeps bringing those sensations that bring your baby closer to you. The buoyancy effect from immersing into the water allows you, the birthing woman, to move freely and quickly. You don’t need help to move and have a greater control of your body, which will help you instinctively discover the best positions for birth and allow your baby to descend. Body positions that would be tiring or impractical while outside of the water become effortless in the pool. You will move in three dimensions to find the perfect angles, and adapt as your baby lowers. Immersion in water is comforting and acts as a counter-stimulus to pain. The relaxation effect from the warm water, along with the decreased sensory stimulation while in water, will decrease the stress-related hormones you might produce. This lets your body focus instead on producing endorphins to help you cope with the pain. As you relax physically, you will be able to relax mentally and further promote low stress levels.
Many people choose to either purchase or rent specialized, purpose-built birth pools, but some people do use general-purpose “kiddie pools” or large built-in bathtubs. This will be where your baby is born. You, the birthing mother, will give birth to your baby in the water. He or she will enter the world with a transition from the warm waters inside to the warm waters outside. You will pull your baby from the water and spend your first moments together, skin-to-skin, relaxing in the warm water.
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